The largest list of sex euphemisms
- A bit of the old in & out
- Act of darkness, The
- Adam and Eve it
- All’s well when ends meet
- Alternative activities
- Applepicking
- Baking cookies
- Ball
- Bang
- Bash the beaver
- Be in a woman’s beef
- Be up to one’s balls
- Beast with two backs
- Beasty rendezvous, The
- Beat cheeks
- Beat someone up with an ugly stick
- Bed boogie, The
- Bed-pressing
- Beef in yo taco
- Boff your brains out
- Bohemian cluster fuck
- Boink
- Bone dance
- Bone someone
- Bonk
- Boof
- Boom-boom
- Bop someone
- Breed
- Bump and grind
- Bump bellies
- Bump uglies
- Bumpin’ fuzzies
- Bunny fuck
- Burping the worm in the mole hole
- Bury the baby leg
- Bury the bone
- Bury the weenie
- Bush patrol
- Butter the muffin
- Buzz the brillo
- Casual encounters
- Chimney
- Churning butter
- Clean her pipes
- Clean the carpet
- Crashing the custard truck
- Cream someone
- Creamin’
- Creampie
- Cut the mustard
- Dance the buttock jig
- Dance the matrimonial polka
- Dance the mattress jig
- Deed, The
- Dip the chip
- Dip your wick
- Dirty work at the crossroads
- Dirty sanchez
- Dive in the dark, A
- Diving for pearls
- Do a lewd infusion
- Do some ladies’ tailoring
- Do the chores
- Doona dance
- Drill for (anal) oil
- Drilling the ditch
- Drive home
- Eat cauliflower
- Eat hymeneal sweets
- Eating the cream puff in the enchanted forest
- Enjoy a flesh session
- Exchange bodily fluids
- Featherbed jig
- Feed the dummy
- Feed the kitty
- Filling the cream doughnut
- Fish trap
- Fit end to end
- Fit her clap flap
- Five knuckle shuffle
- Fix her plumbing
- Flop in the hay
- Fornication
- Four-legged frolic
- Front door action
- Fuck
- Funky Chicken, The
- Gateway to her guts
- Genital exercise
- Get a belly full of marrow pudding
- Get a shove in your blind eye
- Get creamy
- Get into someone’s pants
- Get it on
- Get Jack in the orchard
- Get oats from someone
- Get some stank on the hang low
- Get stretched
- Get your chimney swept out
- Get your end wet
- Get your hair cut
- Get your jollies
- Get your leather stretched
- Get your nuts cracked
- Get your oil changed
- Get your rocks off
- Gild the lily
- Give a hole to hide in
- Give a woman a shot
- Give hard for soft
- Give her a hosing
- Give her a pat
- Give her the business
- Give her the high hard one
- Give juice for jelly
- Give pussy a taste of cream
- Give someone a stab
- Give someone the works
- Give the dog a bone
- Glazing the donut
- Go belly-to-belly
- Go fishing
- Go like a rat up a drainpipe
- Go to town
- Good old poke
- Goose someone
- Grease her
- Grease the wheel
- Grind your tool
- Growling at the badger
- Hammer someone
- Hanky panky
- Haul your ashes
- Have a bit of curly greens
- Have a bit of fish
- Have a bit of giblet pie
- Have a bit of pork
- Have a bit of split mutton
- Have a bit of sugar stick
- Have a bit of summer cabbage
- Have a bit of the cramstick
- Have a hot roll with cream
- Have a joy ride
- Have a nooner
- Have a piece of tail
- Have a poke
- Have a squeeze and a squirt
- Have a turn on your back
- Heels to Jesus
- Hide the knee
- Hide the pickle
- Hide the salami
- Hide the sausage
- Hippity dippity
- Hit it
- Hokey-pokey
- Hop on the good foot and do the bad thing
- Horizontal
- Horizontal exercises
- Horizontal hula
- Horizontal hustle
- Horizontal jogging
- Horizontal mambo
- Horizontal polka
- Horizontal tango
- Horizontalize
- Hose someone
- Hot dog in a jungle
- Hump
- Humpity dumpity
- Humpty dance, The
- Humpty dumpty
- Impale someone
- Introduce Charlie
- Jab someone
- Jiggle someone
- Juice someone
- Jumbo frank, The
- Jump someone’s bones
- Knock boots
- Knocking mops
- Lady bits
- Lay some pipe
- Leg over
- Lie feet up
- Lift a leg on someone
- Light the lamp
- Lose the match and pocket the stake
- Make a fuck trophy
- Make baskets
- Make ends meet
- Make grass sandwiches
- Make her grunt
- Make it
- Make the beast with two backs
- Makin’ bacon
- Making babies
- Making whoopee
- Mattress dancing
- Mattress mambo
- Mingle limbs
- Mix up some baby batter
- Mix your peanut butter
- Mixing the baby juice
- Mommy-daddy dance
- Mount someone
- Nasty, The
- Naughty, The
- Nibble someone
- Nookie
- Nooner
- Nose painting
- Parallel park
- Parking (the car)
- Parking the beef bus in tuna town
- Parking the pink Plymouth in the garage of love
- Parting the Pink Sea
- Pass the gravy
- Peel your best end
- Phallicize someone
- Pick the Cherry
- Pickle tuna position
- Picnic in the lawn
- Pink
- Pink pony
- Plant a man
- Plant your seed
- Play at in-and-out
- Play at tops-and-bottoms
- Play cars and garages
- Play doctor
- Play hide the hot dog
- Play hide the weenie
- Play on the hair court
- Play pickle-me, tickle-me
- Play the game of twenty toes
- Play tiddlywinks
- Pleasure pearls
- Plook
- Plow someone
- Plug and play
- Plug someone
- Poke in the whiskers
- Poke someone
- Pop it in
- Pork
- Pot the pink
- Pound someone
- Pray with the knees upward
- Probing the membrane
- Professional wrestling
- Pump someone
- Put Percy in the playpen
- Put the bee in the hive
- Put the boots to someone
- Put the devil into Hell
- Put your root down
- Put your snake in the grass
- Putting a pickle in the hair sandwich
- Putting sour cream in the burrito
- Putting the candle in the pumpkin
- Quickie
- Ram someone
- Rear attack
- Ride someone
- Ride the baloney pony
- Ride the hobby horse
- Ride the pink pony
- Ride the skin bus in to Tuna Town
- Ride the slippery dip
- Ring her bell
- Rock the casbah
- Roll in the hay
- Romp in the hay
- Roughin’ up the suspect
- Rub bacons
- Rub one out
- Rump splitting
- Rump work
- Rumpy Pumpy
- Saucing the clam
- Saw off a chunk
- Schtupp someone
- Screw
- Scrog
- Sew your wild oats
- Sexercize
- Shag
- Shake a skin coat
- Shake the sheets
- Shake your skin coat
- Shoot the moon
- Shoot your wad
- Shucking the oyster
- Sink it in
- Sink the soldier
- Slap skins
- Slap some skin
- Slip someone the hot beef injection
- Smash
- Smash it
- Smashing pissers
- Snake in the grass
- Snaking her pipes
- Sow your (wild) oats
- Spankin’ the cat
- Spear the bearded clam
- Spear the hairy doughnut
- Stab it
- Stabbing the trout
- Star-gazing on your back
- Storm the pearly gates with your purple-headed devil
- Storm the trenches
- Stretch leather
- Stretching
- Stuff the beaver
- Stuff the taco
- Suck the sugar-stick
- Surrender the Pink (Carrie Fisher)
- Swiping the V-card
- Take a belly-ride
- Take a turn in the stubble
- Take it to the car wash
- Take the jism trail
- Take the starch out of someone
- Taking ‘old one-eye’ to the optometrist
- Taking a break
- Taking the flesh boat to tuna town
- Taxin it
- Tear off a piece
- Tell a bedtime story
- Thread the needle
- Throw a leg over
- Throw another log on the fire
- Throw the meat at her
- Throwing the sausage down castle street
- Tickling her belly button from the inside
- Tossing off a batch of baby batter
- Trade a bit of hard for a bit of soft
- Train through a tunnel
- Trim the buff
- Twat raking
- Two in the pink, one in the stink
- Two-backed beast
- Ugly, The
- Up to ya nuts in guts
- Uppy downy
- Varnish your cane
- Visit the Netherlands
- visiting the happy valley
- Walk the dog
- Wallpaper the closet
- Water the lawn
- Waterbed waltz
- Wet your wick
- Whitewash someone
- Wild thing, The
- Wind up your clock
- Windsurfing on Mount Baldy
- Wink wink, nudge nudge
- Work the hairy oracle
- Yodel in the valley
- Yodeling in the gulley
- Zallywhacking
- Ziggy-wiggling
- Zoinkering
- Zoomin’ and boomin’
- Zwooshing the swoosh