Greg’s Guide to Chivalry
Chivalry refers to the medieval institution of knightly virtues, of honour, and of courtly love. A noble man followed an unwritten code of chivalry toward noble ladies above all, the knight was to be gracious and gentle. The idealized relationship between knight and lady was that of honourable and virtuous courtly love.
Chivalry – Sir Frank Dicksee
Greg’s Code of Chivalry
Chivalry was disciplined by a code of conduct that was clearly understood although it was never clearly formulated. Examination now, in retrospect, allows it to be reduced to this series of commandments.
- Live to serve your values.
- Live to challenge your values.
- Live one’s life so that it is worthy of respect and honour.
- Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good.
- Never attack an unarmed foe.
- Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.
- Never attack from behind.
- Avoid lying to your fellow sentient beings.
- Avoid cheating.
- Avoid torture.
- Obey only just laws.
- Administer justice.
- Protect the innocent.
- Exhibit self control.
- Show respect to authority.
- Respect creatures.
- Exhibit Courage in word and deed.
- Defend the weak and innocent.
- Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.
- Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
- Fight with honour.
- Avenge the wronged.
- Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
- Fight for the ideals of chivalry.
- Die with valour.
- Always keep one’s word of honour.
- Always maintain one’s principles.
- Never betray a confidence or comrade.
- Avoid deception.
- Respect life and freedom.
- Die with honour.
- Exhibit manners.
- Be polite and attentive.
- Be respectful of host, sentient being, and honour.
- Loyalty to values and the code of chivalry.
- Loyalty to one’s friends and those who lay their trust in thee.
- Offer and never refuse hospitality.