The largest list of penis euphemisms
- 21st digit
- Abdomen
- Ace in the hole
- Acorn Andy
- Action Jackson
- Adam Halfpint
- Admiral Winky
- African black snake
- Afro man
- AIDS baster
- AIDS cannon
- AIDS grenade
- Alabama blacksnake
- albino asparagus
- Albino cave dweller
- All-day sucker
- Alliteration
- Anaconda
- Anal impaler
- Anal intruder
- Anal Probe Deluxe
- Anal Spear
- Ankle spanker
- Apple-headed monster
- Appreciator, The
- Ass blaster
- Ass pirate
- Ass wedge
- Assmaster
- Astralgod
- Auger-headed gut wrench
- Axolotl
- Ba-donk-a-donk
- Baby maker
- Baby’s arm holding an apple
- Baby’s arm in a boxing glove
- Bacon bazooker
- Bacon rod
- Bacon Torpedo
- Badboy
- Bagpipe
- Baked bean with a roll neck
- Bald Avenger, The
- Bald Bishop
- Bald butler
- Bald eagle
- Bald monkey
- Bald-headed beauty
- Bald-headed giggle stick
- Bald-headed hermit
- Bald-headed Jesus
- Bald-headed yogurt slinger
- Baldy-headed spunk-juice dispens
- Ball buddy
- Ballon knot
- Baloney pony
- Banana
- Baptizer
- Bat and balls
- Battering ram
- Bavarian Beefstick
- Bayonet
- Baywatch rodsock
- Bean stalk
- Beanpole
- Beard splitter
- Bearded burglar
- Bearded turtle necked one-eyed jack
- Beastus maximus
- Beaver buster
- Beaver Cleaver
- Bed snake
- Beef Bayonet
- Beef baton
- Beef bayonet
- Beef bazooka
- Beef belt buckle
- Beef blunt
- Beef bong
- Beef bridge that crosses the 7 seas
- Beef bugle
- Beef bus
- Beef missile
- Beef on a stick
- Beef soldier
- Beef stick
- Beef thermometer
- Beefy McManstick
- Bell rope
- Belly stick
- Best leg of three
- Big Dick & the twins
- Big Dickus
- Big Dummy
- Big Jake the ene-eyed snake
- Big Jim and the Twins
- Big Johnson
- Big Lebowski
- Big Mac
- Big number one
- Big red
- Big rod
- Big Uncle
- Big Willy
- Biggus Dickus
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bird
- Bishop with his nice red hat
- Bishop, The
- Bitch blaster
- Bitch stick
- Bits and pieces
- Blaxolotl
- Blind butler
- Blind cave salamander
- Blind snake
- Blood blunt
- Blood engorged mayonnaise cannon
- Blood slug
- Blood sword
- Blow pop
- Blowtorch
- Blue steel
- Blue-veined jackhammer
- Blue-veined junket pumper
- Blue-veined piccolo
- Blue-veined puss chucker
- Blue-veiner
- Blunt
- Bob
- Bob Dole
- Bob Johnson
- Bobo
- Bone
- Bone phone
- Bone rollercoaster
- Bone-her
- Boneless beef
- Boneless fish
- Boner
- Bonercoaster
- Boney cannelloni
- Boom stick
- Bop gun
- Bosnian Beefstick
- Bottle rocket
- Bow-legged swamp donkey
- Box buster
- Boybrush
- Bradford and the pair
- Bratwurst
- Breakfast burrito
- Breakfast wood
- Broom
- Brother
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Bulbulous big-knob
- Bumtickler
- Burning meat pipe
- Bush beater
- Bush rusher
- Bushwhacker
- Buster Cannon
- Buster Hymen
- Buster McThunderstick
- Butt blaster
- Butt pirate
- Butter churn
- Butterknife
- Caliburn
- Camel rider
- Candy cane
- Canelo
- Caped crusader
- Captain Bilbo
- Captain Caveman
- Captain Crook
- Captain Hook
- Captain Howdy
- Captain Howdy
- Captain Kirk
- Captain Winky
- Carnal stump
- Cattle prod
- Cave hunter
- Cawk
- Cax
- Cervix crusader
- Cervix pounder
- Cervix raider
- Cesar
- Chancellor, The
- Chap
- Charlie Russell the one-eyed mus
- Cheese staff
- Cherry picker
- Cherry poppin’ daddy
- Cherry splitter
- Chi Zi Wang
- Chick sticker
- Chicksicle
- Chief of staff
- Chilli Fry
- Chimbo
- Chimney cleaner
- Chip the ripper
- chipotle pepper
- Choad (chode)
- Choo-choo
- Chorizo
- Chowder dumper
- Chubby
- Chubby conquistador, The
- Chum
- Chunder thunder
- Chunk ‘o’ love
- Christabelle, The
- Cigar
- Circus boy
- Clam digger
- Clam hammer
- Clam sticker
- Clipity clop
- Clit tickler
- Clown, The
- Cob
- Cobra Commander
- Cock
- Cock goblin
- Cock-a-saurus Rex
- Cocktapuss
- Cocktus
- Cockus erectus
- Codger
- Colon cowboy
- Colon crusader
- Colossus
- Commando snake eye
- Coral branch
- Corndog
- Cornholer
- Cornstalk
- Cornstalk cowboy
- Crack hunter
- Crack smacker
- Cramstick
- Crank
- Crank shaft
- Cream bandit
- Cream cannon
- Cream spritzer
- Cream-filled meat stick
- Creamsicle
- Creamstick
- Crimson chitterling
- Crimson Darth Vader
- Crippler
- Crotch cannon
- Crotch cobra
- Crotch cowboy
- Crotch rocket
- Crotch vomiter
- Crushin’ Russian, The
- Cucumber of love
- Cum pump
- Cummingtonite
- Cunny-catcher
- Cunt caper, The
- Cunt companion
- Cunt pumper
- Cunt reamer
- Cunt rifle
- Cunt scrubber
- Cupid’s arrow
- Curious George
- Custard cannon
- Custard chucker
- Custard pump
- Cyclops
- Cycloptic milk spitter
- Daddy Long-stroke
- Daddy’s long leg
- dancing sirloin
- Dangalong-linglong
- Danger the one-eyed ranger
- Danglin’ fury
- Danglin’ wang
- Dangling participle
- Dangly bits
- Dangus Kahn
- Dart of love
- Darth Vader
- Davy Crockett
- Deep-veined purple-helmeted spartan of love
- Demeanor, The
- Diamond cutter
- Dick
- Dick-cheese
- Dickimus Maximus
- Dickory dock
- Dickory-smoked coal sausage
- Dicksicle
- Dicky
- Diego the Explorer
- Digit
- Diller
- Dilly-ho-ho
- Ding-a-ling
- Ding-dong
- Dingaling
- Dingaroo
- Dingle
- Dingle dangle
- Dingleberry
- Dingledong
- Dinglehopper
- Dingus
- Dingy
- Dinky
- Dipstick
- Dirk Diggler
- Disco Stick
- Divining rod
- DNA Rifle
- Dobber
- Docking tube
- Dog knot
- Dolphin
- Dong
- Dong with the wind
- Dong-bong
- Dong-stick
- Dongle
- Donker
- Donkey Kong
- Doo-dad
- Doo-dar
- Doo-hickey
- Doodle
- Doodle dandy
- Dooflinky
- Dooflocky
- Dooker
- Doppelganger
- Dora the anal explorer
- Dork
- Doughnut holder
- Dr. Cyclops
- Dr. Feelgood
- Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
- Dr. Wang
- Dragonhood
- Dribbling dart of love
- Dribbling dragon
- Dude
- Duke, The
- Dumb stick
- Dungula bone
- Ear tickler
- Early riser, The
- Earth Shaker
- Earthmover
- Earthworm Jim
- Easy rider
- Egg roll
- Eight inches of blunt fury
- Eight inches of throbbing pink Jesus
- El Capitan
- El Presidente
- Elastic plastic
- Elavent
- Elephant trunk
- Elephants Trunk
- Elise’s Mighty Finger
- Elmer the glue shooter
- Elvis
- Engine cranker
- Equipment
- Everlasting gob-dropper
- Every-other-time
- Excalibur
- Excreting eel
- Executive staff member
- Fallopian fiddler
- Family jewels
- Fandangle
- Fandangled mandangler
- Fanny Cleaver
- Fantasmagoric
- Fat Albert
- Fat finger
- Fat Johnson
- Fetus feeler
- Fiddle bow
- Fiddle stick
- Fire breathing dragon
- Fire hose
- Fire rod
- Fireman Ed
- Firm worm
- Fish hook
- Fishing rod
- Fishing tackle
- Flabagastered
- Flagpole
- Flapdoodle
- Flavio
- Flesh banana
- Flesh bat
- Flesh cigar
- Flesh enema
- Flesh flute
- Flesh hoagie
- Flesh injection
- Flesh maggot
- Flesh missile
- Flesh pistol
- Flesh rocket
- Flesh tornado
- Flesh trumpet
- Flesh twinkie
- Fleshbone
- Fleshy Winnebago, The
- Flip-flap
- Fluid spitter
- Foaming beef probe
- Fondo worm
- Foo-foo
- Foofer (Foof)
- Fool sticker
- Footlong
- Foots best friend
- Fountain of youth
- Frank ‘n’ beans
- Frankfurter
- Fred
- Freddy firehose
- Freddy fish monger
- Free Willy
- Frigamajig
- Frightful Hog, The
- Fuck ferret
- Fuck flute
- Fuck puppet
- Fucklebear
- Fuckpole
- Fuckstick
- Fudge packer
- Fudgebar
- Fudgepacker
- Full meal
- Fun gun
- Fun truncheon
- Fury, The
- Fuzzbuster
- Gadget
- Gag mallet
- Gap stopper
- Garompa
- Gash mallet
- Gear shift
- General, The
- Gentleman’s pistol
- Georgia Kingsnake
- German sausage
- German soldier, The
- Gherkin
- Giant-sized man-thing
- Giggle stick
- Gimmer stick
- Girthy McGirth
- Girthy sausage
- Giving tree, The
- Gizmo
- Gleaming love sword
- Glistening Man-Lance
- Glo worm
- Glorious Gland of Glee
- Glove Box
- Gluestick
- Gobble Stick
- Godzilla
- Goo Bazooka
- Goo blaster
- Goo pipe
- Goober
- Goose’s neck
- Governor
- Grabthar’s hammer
- Grandpa’s knee
- Granite edifice
- Gravy maker
- Great Buddha
- Great pyramid, The
- Grinding tool
- Grissel stick
- Groinstalk
- Gummi worm
- Gushin’ Prussian, The
- Gut buster, The
- Gut stick
- Gut tappa, The
- Gut wrench
- Guy, My
- Hair splitter
- Hairy acorn
- Hairy banjo
- Hairy Houdini
- Hairy pencil
- Hairy scary and the two bald men
- Hairy snake
- Hallubaloona
- Ham roll
- Hammer of Thor
- Hampton
- Hand-gun
- Handfucker
- Handgun
- Handwarmer
- Handy andy
- Hang-lo
- Hanging Chad
- Hanging hag
- Hanging Johnny
- Hannah
- Happy Harry Hard-on
- Happy worm
- Hard-on
- Hardware
- Harry
- Harry & the Hendersons
- Harry hot dog
- He who must be obeyed
- He-ham
- He-man sword
- Headquarters
- Heat-seeking moisture missile
- Heavy hitter
- Helmet man
- Helmeted meat-soldier
- Henry
- Herbie
- Herculean lizard
- Hercules
- Herman the one-eyed German
- Herman von Longschlongstein
- Herpetogaster
- Hidden treasure
- Hieny hobbit
- High pressure vein cane
- Him-hang
- His Eminence
- His majesty
- His rig
- Hitlers arm
- Hog
- Hog leg
- Hole cork
- Holy diver
- holy diver
- Holy poker
- Holy water sprinkler
- Homewrecker, The
- Homo Erectus
- Honeypot cleaver
- Honeystick
- Honk the Magic Goose
- Hoo hoo
- Hooded warrior
- Hooty hoo
- Horse-necked clam
- Hose
- Hot beef injection
- Hot dog
- Hot glue gun
- Hot popsicle
- Hot Rod
- Hot rod Harvey
- Hot stick
- Hot tamale
- Hugo
- Hum-diddler
- Humongo
- Hung Wei Lo
- Hunka-hunka burnin’ love, The
- Hymen hammer
- Ice cream machine
- Icing Sugar Fountain
- Impregnator
- Incredible bulk, The
- Inflatable iron
- Inflatable poo jabber
- Injection erection
- Instant sex drive lever
- Internal spinal massager
- Intrusion protrusion
- Invincible man, The
- Iron horse
- Iron rod
- Italian stallion
- Itty bitty meat
- Ivan the Terrible
- Ivory shaft
- Jack
- Jack in the box
- Jackhammer
- Jaja
- Jake the one-eyed snake
- James Westfall
- Jap Slapper
- Jap’s eye
- Javelin
- Jellyfish
- Jerkin’ gherkin
- Jesus Christ Supershaft
- Jibberstick
- Jigger
- Jiggling bone
- Jim and the twins
- Jiminy Cricket
- Jimmer jammer
- Jimmy
- Jimmy Wriggler
- Jing jang
- Jingle bone
- Jive sausage
- Jizz syringe, The
- Jizz whiz
- Jizzcraft carrier
- Jizzle stick
- Jockey stick
- John Thomas
- John Thursday
- Johnny Cockrane
- Johnny Come Early
- Johnson
- Joint
- JoJo the circus clown
- Jolly green giant
- Jolly jellybean
- Joy juicer
- Joybuzzer
- Joyprong
- Joystick
- Julio
- Julius Caesar
- Junior
- Junior burger
- Junk
- Kaptain Kielbasa
- Ken cracker
- Kentucky horn
- Kentucky telescope
- Kerala King Cobra
- Kibble ‘n’ Bitz
- Kick stand
- Kidney cracker
- Kidney scraper
- Kidney wiper
- Kielbasa
- King Dingaling
- King Dong
- King, The
- Kipper ripper
- kirk
- Knee knocker
- Knob
- Knobgoblin
- Knowledge stick
- Kojak
- Komodo dragon
- Kong
- Kosher pickle
- Kuku
- Kuku bird
- Lady dagger
- Lance of love
- Lap rope
- Lard
- Last action hero
- Leader of the sack
- Leaky faucet
- Leather lollipop
- Lewinski lunch
- Lice nest
- Lickin’ stick
- Licorice stick
- Life preserver
- lightsaber
- Lil buddy
- Lil Mr.
- Lincoln log
- Little admiral, The
- Little bastard
- Little Bill
- Little Billy
- Little birdy
- Little bishop in a turtle neck
- Little brother
- Little buddy
- Little Caesar
- Little Colonel
- Little Danny
- Little David
- Little Dickie
- Little Dutch boy
- Little Elvis
- Little fella
- Little friend
- Little gator
- Little guy
- Little Jesus
- Little John and the East Side Boys
- Little Juan
- Little man
- Little shepherd boy
- Little slugger
- Little Willy
- Live sausage
- Lizard
- Lobster
- Locomotor
- Lollipop
- Long Black Limousine
- Long Dong Silver
- Long John
- Long John Skin Sword II
- Long Tom
- Longrod Von Hugedong
- Longrod Von Hugenstein
- Longsword
- Lord Hardwick
- Lord James D’Armais
- Lord Plumber
- Louisville plugger
- Louisville slugger
- Love gun
- Love leg
- Love log
- Love lollipop
- Love Machine
- Love maker
- Love meat
- Love muscle
- Love pole
- Love pump
- Love sausage
- Love stick
- Love sub
- Love sword
- Love thruster
- Love torpedo
- Love train
- Love truncheon
- Love wand
- Love weasel
- Love whistle
- Love-n-ator, The
- Lucky charm
- Lucky Chucky
- Lunch
- Lunchmeat truncheon
- Lung disturber
- Lung puncturer
- Magenta mushroom
- Magic Flute
- Magic Johnson
- Magic member
- Magic stick
- Magic wand
- Magical mayonaise squirting french fry
- Maiden masher
- Main vein
- Major Manchowder
- Major woody
- Mammoth Mound of Manlihood
- Man axe
- Man cannon
- Man hammer
- Man in the pink helmet, The
- Man loaf
- Man log
- Man meat
- Man meat of the menacing south
- Man muscle
- Man pipe
- Man plow
- Man pole
- Man root
- Man sword
- Man’s best friend
- Man-dingler
- Man-milk dispenser
- Man-sized manicotti
- Manchild
- Mandingo
- Mangina
- Mangroin
- Manhole cover
- Manhood helmet
- Manimal
- Manoy
- Marriage tackle
- Marrowbone
- Master blaster
- Master John Goodfellow
- Master of ceremonies
- Master Wang
- Maximus
- Mayonnaise cannon
- Mayonnaise Maker
- Mayonnaise pistol
- Maypole
- Meat
- Meat ‘n’ (two) veggies
- Meat ‘n’ potatoes
- Meat balloon
- Meat bat
- Meat cigar
- Meat enema
- Meat flute
- Meat hammer
- Meat harp
- Meat missile
- Meat Monster
- Meat musket
- Meat pipe
- Meat pole
- Meat popsicle
- Meat puppet
- Meat skewer
- Meat speculum
- Meat stick
- Meat straw
- Meat tampon
- Meat thermometer
- Meat train
- Meat twinkie
- Meat whistle
- Meat wrench
- Meatsicle
- Meaty cudgel
- Meaty internal spine support
- Meaty tongue depressor
- Melon baster
- Member
- Menacing meat of minnesota
- Menstrual miner
- Midas
- Middle leg
- Midnight wangler, The
- Mighty anaconda, The
- Mighty Dolan, The
- Mighty Joe Young
- Mighty Man-Pole
- Mighty monkey
- Mighty Thor, The
- Milkbone
- Milkman
- Mini-me
- Mister
- Mister happy
- Moby big dick
- Moby Dick
- Mojo
- Molten mushroom, The
- Mommy daddy button
- Monkey
- Monkey tamer, The
- Monkeymaker
- Monster, The
- Monty’s python
- Moose Knuckle
- Moose knuckles
- Morning glory
- Morning muscle
- Moses
- Mouse
- Mr Johnson and the juice crew
- Mr. Bendy
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Mr. Bo
- Mr. Boing Boing
- Mr. Bojangles
- Mr. Bozack
- Mr. Clean
- Mr. Eel-y
- Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Giggles
- Mr. Good Bar
- Mr. Happy
- Mr. Jiggle Daddy
- Mr. Magoo
- Mr. Matey
- Mr. Merrymaker
- Mr. Microphone
- Mr. Mojo Risin’
- Mr. Mouth Missle
- Mr. Mushroom head
- Mr. Pee-pee
- Mr. Peepers
- Mr. Peppey
- Mr. Plumpy
- Mr. Potato Head
- Mr. President
- Mr. Rogers
- Mr. Salami
- Mr. Sniffles
- Mr. Toad’s wild ride
- Mr. Wiggles
- Mr. Wigglestick
- Mr. Wiggly
- Mr. Wiggly Flops
- Mr. Willy
- Mr. Winky
- Mr. Wobbly
- Muff marauder, The
- Muff mole
- Muffin butterer
- Mule
- Munchkin Maker
- Murky Lurker, The
- Muscle of love
- Mushroom
- Mushroom on a stick
- Mushroom Stamper
- Mushroom-tipped love dart
- Mushroom-tipped man sword
- Mushroom-tipped sausage
- Mushrum
- Mustn’touchit
- Mutton dagger
- Mutton javelin
- Mutton pole
- Muzzled bulldog
- My little brother
- My small little hunter
- Nag
- Nail
- Navajo hogan, The
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Needle
- Nether regions
- Night stick
- Nightcrawler
- Nimrod
- Nine inch knocker
- Nine inch nail
- Nob
- Nudger
- Nuke, The
- Number Two Pencil
- Nut cannon
- O’Henry
- Octogon, The
- Ol’ diamond cutter
- Ol’ McDonalds Pony Whip
- Ol’ one-eye
- Old Blind Bob
- Old chap
- Old drizzly
- Old faithful
- Old fella
- Old man
- Old slimy
- Oliver Twist
- One eyed cave salamander
- One-eyed bath tub eel
- One-eyed blue-vein
- One-eyed cave dweller
- One-eyed Charlie and the Stink Twins
- One-eyed cornhusker
- One-eyed cow killer
- One-eyed custard chucker
- One-eyed Fred
- One-eyed giant
- One-eyed gopher
- One-eyed hip snake
- One-eyed horny newt
- One-eyed Jack
- One-eyed lizard with the saggy chin
- One-eyed milkman
- One-eyed moisture missle
- One-eyed monster
- One-eyed nightcrawler
- One-eyed snake
- One-eyed superhero
- One-eyed throbbing python of love
- One-eyed trouser mouse
- One-eyed trouser psychic
- One-eyed trouser python
- One-eyed trouser snake
- One-eyed trouser trout
- One-eyed wiggling welshman
- One-eyed Willy
- One-eyed wonder weasel
- One-eyed wonder worm
- One-eyed wrinkle-necked trouser trout
- One-eyed yogurt thrower
- One-holed bologna phone
- One-holed friction whistle
- One-string bass
- Optimus prime
- Organ
- Other head, The
- Otis Deepthroatis
- Our one-eyed brother
- Ovarian pool stick
- Oyster probe
- Package
- Pajama python
- Palm pilot
- Panda express
- Pants snake
- Pantswombat
- Papa’s poker
- Passion pistol
- Passion pump
- Patrician
- Peacemaker
- Peanut
- Pearl diver
- Pearl pole
- Pebbles and Bam Bam
- Pecker
- Pecker wrecker
- Pedro
- Pee pee
- Pee-Wee
- Peener
- Peenie
- Pelvic punisher
- Pelvic rocket emitter
- Pelvis thumb
- Pencil
- Pendulum
- Peni
- Penial
- Penistration
- Pennis the Menace
- Pepe
- Peppito
- Percy
- Perpendicular bisector
- Perpendicular pickle, The
- Peruvian Firestick
- Pete(r)
- Peter the Great
- Petit Jesu
- Phallus
- Pheasant
- Piccolo
- Pickle
- Piece
- Piece of pork
- Pied piper
- Pig in a blanket
- Pigskin bus
- Pigsticker
- Pikestaff
- Piledriver
- Pillipacker
- Pimp cane
- Pimpin’ stick
- Pink cave tadpole
- Pink cigar
- Pink Floyd
- Pink oboe, The
- Pink seeking missile
- Pink steel
- Pink torpedo
- Pinkle
- Pinnacle
- Pinnochio
- Pipe cleaner
- Piss handle
- Piss pump
- Piss whistle
- Pisser
- Piston rod
- Placenta poker
- Plaster caster
- Pleasure missile
- Pleasure pickle
- Pleasure piston
- Pleasure stick
- Plonker
- Plum-tree shaker
- Pocket otter
- Pocket perch
- Pocket pool stick
- Pocket rocket
- Pogo-stick
- Pointer
- Poka-her-hontas
- Poker
- Pole
- Polish kielbasa
- Polished pine
- Polvo
- Polyphemus
- Pompadoodle
- Poo bandit impaler
- Poo Pusher
- Poon canon
- Poon farmer
- Poon pounder
- Poon prod
- Poon wrecker
- Poontanger
- Poozle weasel (woozle)
- Pop Tart
- Pope John Pole III
- Popeye
- Porcelain plumber, The
- Pork knife
- Pork sword
- Pork truncheon
- Porkeroon
- Porksicle
- Porn prong
- Poronga
- Porridge bazooka
- Porridge gun
- Porridge pump
- Potty
- Power rod
- Powerprawn, The
- Premeditator, The
- Prepositional phrase
- Presidential podium
- Pretial
- Prick
- Prickolo
- Pride and joy
- Primus pilus
- Prince Charming
- Prince Everhard of the Netherlands
- Private parts
- Probe
- Prong
- Protein
- Protein spicket
- Protein torpedo
- Pube kabob
- Pubic bong
- Pud
- Pudding cannon
- Puff the Magic Dragon
- Pugilistic
- Pulsating Chorizo
- Pulsating python of love
- Pulsating throat clogger
- Pulsating woodwind
- Pump handle
- Pump-action porridge bazooka
- Pump-action yogurt rifle
- Pumping pole of penile power
- Pup Tent
- Puppet Jack
- Purple avenger
- Purple bulb
- Purple headed porridge pumper
- Purple headed womb warrior
- Purple muffin
- Purple mushroom
- Purple piledriver
- Purple pork chop
- Purple pulsating pillar of power
- Purple turkey baster
- Purple veined spartan of love
- Purple worm
- Purple-headed bed snake
- Purple-headed belly ripper
- Purple-headed burrow beast
- Purple-headed cum shooter
- Purple-headed custard chucker
- Purple-headed love truncheon
- Purple-headed meat scepter
- Purple-headed pirate
- Purple-headed punisher
- Purple-headed vomit rod
- Purple-headed warrior
- Purple-headed womb broom
- Purple-headed womb ferret
- Purple-headed yogurt slinger
- Purple-headed yougurt slinger
- Purple-helmeted Nazi of love
- Purple-helmeted snot Nazi
- Purple-helmeted soldier of love
- Purple-helmeted warrior
- Pussy duster, The
- Pussy piston
- Pussy plumber
- Pussy plunger
- Pussy poker
- Pussy pounder
- Pussy stretcher
- Putz
- Quantum jizzix
- Quarter master
- Quarter pounder with cheese
- Quick shot Sam
- Quim-tickler
- Quivering member
- Rainbow roll
- Ralph the fur faced chicken
- Ramburglar, The
- Ramrod
- Ranger
- Real deal, The
- Reaming Tower of Penis
- Rectum rooter
- Red ender
- Red helmeted love warrior
- red hot galloping snot-pump
- Red hot poker
- Red rocket
- Rhubarb
- Richard and the twins
- Richard Cranium
- Richard Head
- Rick Hard
- Ring stinger
- Rising cedar
- Rocket to sticky mantra
- Rocket to Uranus
- Rod
- Rod hard ride
- Rod of lordly might
- Rodger
- Rodney Stickshift
- Rodzilla
- Roger
- Rogering Ramjet
- Rolling pin
- Roman soldier
- Root
- Root of all evil
- Rosary
- Rosey red reproductive rod
- Roto-rooter
- Round steak
- Roy’s alfredo squirter
- Ruby-headed love dart
- Ruddy sausage
- Rudiger
- Rump wrangler
- Rumpleforeskin
- Russell the love muscle
- Russell the one eyed (wonder) muscle
- Russian spurtnik
- Rusty tunnel jangler
- Salami
- Salami grande
- Salty dog
- Saucer-headed swamp rhing
- Sausage roll
- Savwang
- Scabby mayonnaise revolver
- Scarlet Samurai
- Scepter
- Schlock
- Schlong
- schlongasaurus rex
- Schlongmaster 2000
- Schlort
- Schmeckle
- Schmuck
- Schnickel
- Schnitzel
- Schvance/schvantz
- Schvontz/schwantz
- Schwanky
- Schwartz
- Scooby snack
- Seed shooter
- Se�or Happy
- Sergeant Stiffy
- Serpent
- Serpentine
- Sex pistol
- Sexy serpent
- Shaft
- Shaft of Cupid
- shagged
- Shama-lama-ding-dong
- Shape shifter
- Sheep shank
- Sheep shifter
- Shift stick
- Shillelagh
- Shiny banana
- Shit stabber
- Shithook
- Shitstick
- Short arm
- Shrimp boat
- Shunter’s pole
- Silent beast, the
- Silk shocker
- Silly Willy’s stick of mayhem
- Sinep
- Single serving soup dispenser
- Single-bore mayonnaise pistol
- Sir Lance-A-Lot
- Sir Martin Wagstaff
- Sir Spanks A Lot
- Six shooter
- Skeetin white
- Skin boat
- Skin bus
- Skin diver
- Skin flute
- Skin sword
- Skip Kozak, The
- Skippy
- Skivvies lizard
- Sleeping Beauty
- Slick Dilly
- Slick Stick, The
- Slim Jim
- Slim reaper, The
- Slippery love dolphin
- Slit-eyed demon
- Slong
- Sloopy
- Sludge pump
- Slut stick
- Smurf House
- Snake
- Snapper slapper
- Snappy beefstick
- Snausage
- Snot Nazi
- Snot rocket
- Snot sausage
- Snozwanger
- Sock raper
- Soldier
- Solicitor General, The
- Solid snake
- Sopirolcha
- Soul pole
- Soupcan
- Sour cream rifle, The
- Spackle hammer
- Spam dagger
- Spam javelin
- Spanky
- Sparkle brush
- Spelunker
- Spelunking sausage
- Sperm burper
- Sperm spitter
- Spermin’ Herman
- Sperminator
- Spigot
- Spike
- Spikebit
- Spit
- Spitting python
- Spitting snake
- Split-ass mechanic
- Split-headed bishop
- Splooge moose
- Spongey-headed warrior
- Spoo shooter
- Sprout
- Spunk blaster
- Spunk spitter
- Spunk stick
- Spunk Trumpet
- Spunk trunk
- Spunker
- Spurt Reynolds
- Squinty blowpop, The
- Squirmin’ Herman the one-eyed German
- Staff
- Staff of life
- Stainmaker
- Stallion
- Standing hampton
- Stanley
- Stanley the powertool
- Stick
- Stick ‘o’ salami
- Stick Beater
- Stick shift
- Sticky shooter
- Stiff one-eye
- Stiff sausage
- Stiff stick
- Stiffy
- Stiffy the Whore Slayer
- Stink hammer
- Stipper slayer
- Stomach wrench
- Strawberry snake, The
- Stretch Johnson
- Stretchy and the twins
- Strumpet thumper
- Stubby
- Sugar stick
- Super soaker
- Superschlong of love
- Surgical Slut Spearman
- Suspect, The
- Sweet meat
- Swelling mushroom
- Swingin’ death
- Swingin’ Dick Nixon
- Swingin’ sirloin
- Swizzle stick
- Swollen blood bomber
- Sword
- Taco warmer
- Tadger
- Tadpole spigot
- Tallywhacker
- Tankslapper
- Tapioca sprinkler, The
- Tasmanian devil
- Tassle
- Teeter
- Telescope
- Telingana Black Snake
- Tennessee throatwarmer
- Tent peg
- Tent pole
- Texas trout banger
- Thadge navigator
- Thang
- The Beast Below
- The Creaminator
- The One Gettin licked
- Thing(y)
- Thingamabob
- Third arm of justice
- Third leg
- Thomas
- Thor’s hammer
- Three inch punisher, The
- Three’s company
- Thrill drill
- Throat choker
- Throat spackler
- Throbbing blood sword
- Throbbing gristle
- Throbbing horsecock
- Throbbing purple pneumatic drill of love
- Throbbing purple spear of destiny
- Throbbing python of love
- Thumper
- Thunderstick
- Tic tac
- Tickle pickle
- Tickle tail
- Tickle Toby
- Tinkle tube
- Tiddlywinker
- Tingler
- Tinkie Winkie
- Tiny Elvis
- Tiny Tim
- Titan missile, The
- Titmouse
- Tobias the cheeky monkey
- Tockley
- Todger
- Tom Jones
- Tom Slick
- Tommy Tallywacker
- Tonka
- Tonsil tickler
- Tonsil toothbrush
- Tool
- Tool of the Patriarchy
- Torch of Cupid
- Totem pole
- Toto, the tummy twister
- Tower of power
- Toys for twats
- Tree of life
- Trembling torpedo
- Trephie
- Trombone
- Troublemaker
- Trouser flute
- Trouser hawg
- Trouser hunchback, The
- Trouser mouse
- Trouser snake
- Trouser Titan
- Trouser tortoise
- Trouser trombone
- Trouser trout
- Trout baster
- Trout tickler
- Tuba
- Tube steak
- Tubesteak
- Tummy banana
- Tummy buster
- Tuna baster
- Tuna boat
- Tuna fisher, The
- Tuna torpedo
- Tunnel tickler
- Turd burglar
- Turgid member
- Turkey neck
- Turtle
- Twat expander
- Twat tickler
- Twat torpedo
- Twat torquer
- Twat washer
- Tweeder
- Twelve inch train of pain
- Twig
- Twig ‘n’ berries
- Twig n’ giggle berries
- Twillswizzler
- Twinkie
- Twizzler of Love, The
- Two pebbles and a twig
- Two pounds of swinging meat
- Two-legged sword
- Ugly brother
- Ugly stick
- Uncle Chunk
- Uncle Dick
- Uncle Reamus
- Uncle Richard
- Uncle Spunk
- Uncle Throbby
- Uncle Wiggly
- Unemployed, The
- Unit
- Upright citizen
- Upright organ
- Upright uncle
- Uterus unicorn
- Vagina miner
- Vaginal depth detector
- Vaginal dilator
- Vaginal explorer
- Vein-laden meat pipe
- Vein-laden meat stick
- Veinous Maximus
- Veiny bangstick
- Verga
- Vertical dangler
- Verve pipe
- Viagra baby
- Vicious dink
- Virile member
- Vlad the Impaler
- Vomit rod
- Vomiting dummy
- Wacker
- Waldo
- Walloper
- Wally
- Wally the one-eyed wonder wiener
- Wand of light
- Wang
- wanger
- Wanker
- Wanker spanker
- War hammer, The
- War Machine
- Water spout
- Wazoo
- Weapon
- Weapon of ass destruction
- Weapon of mass destruction
- Wedding finger
- Wedding tackle
- Wedding wrecker, The
- Wedge bone
- Wee wee
- Wee wee tail
- Wee Willy Winky
- Wee wonder stick
- Ween
- Weenie
- Weiner on a stick
- Wenis
- Whamadoodle
- Whammy bar
- Whanger
- Whisker slitter
- Whistle
- Whistle stick
- White slurping eddie banger
- Who who
- Whopper
- Whore hammer
- Whore monger
- Whore pipe
- Whore thermometer
- Wick
- Wicked scepter
- Widget
- Wiener
- Wife and kids, The
- Wife’s best friend
- Wife’s worst enemy
- Wigga wagga
- Wiggedy wang
- Wiggity wang
- Wiggle stick
- Wiggling worm
- Wilbert
- Wilbur
- Willard
- Willy
- Willy the one-eyed wonder worm
- Willy wanker
- Willy Wonka
- Willy Wonka Smoke Stack
- Wilson
- Wing wang
- Wing-wang
- Winkster, The
- Winky
- Winky the milk spitting tunnel ferret
- Wizard’s staff
- Wobbly warhead
- Wolly boner
- Womb broom
- Womb hammer
- Womb raider
- Womb scud
- Womb warrior
- Wonder down under, The
- Wonder weiner
- Wonder wick
- Wonder worm
- Wong
- Wonga
- Wood
- Woodle
- Woodrow Wilson
- Woody
- Wookie
- Worm
- Worm in a roll-neck pullover
- Wormy McJuicemaker
- Wriggling pole
- Wrinklebeast
- Xiao Didi
- XTC Stick
- Yam
- Yang
- Yankee Doodle
- Yard O’ Beef
- Yin(g) yang
- Yogurt cannon
- Yogurt gun
- Yogurt hose
- Yogurt shooter
- Yogurt slinger
- Yul
- Yum-yum
- Yummy hummer
- Yung the Hung
- Zamboner
- Zamboni baloney
- Zapper wrench
- Zipper ripper, The
- Zipper trout
- Zipper wookie
- Zizi
- Zoobbrick
- Zorker