I was tossing up between buying a $27,000 2012 Harley Davidson V-Rod and a $1000 2009 Bowell 50cc Jolie.

The V-Rod had hog like styling while the Jolie had under seat storage and hooks for you shopping bags. There were some other minor differences but in the end I decided to go with the Jolie with a side of hog

After a few hours in paint I had come up with this image "Harley-Davidson Motor Scooter"

I then bought these ingredients for about $30

Spent two days toiling at a friends house

But it was worth it to have a shiny new custom Harley-Davidson hog

And when it's dark it's pretty hard to tell them apart. Other bikies have started nodding back, I'm like a real life bikie now

Here are some more pictures to help you if you would like to do something similar, please feel free to ask questions